March 22, 2005

My Impatient Wait

So finally the harry potter covers are out and my excitement has crossed boiling point already!! the covers definitely look very good and mysterious..for detailed analysis of the covers refer to this site...
I wonder why the US and the UK covers are so the UK one harry and dumbeldore look quite tense in the middle of a battle whereas in the US one they look deep in thoughts looking down into the Pensive...
also the adult UK cover shows a book titled 'Advaced Potions' looks like Harry is goin to be stuck with Snape much longer..

Anyways I just can't wait any longer for the book..the first thing I did after coming to Austin is to reserve a copy both at Borders and Barnes and Noble...actually i had reserved only with Borders but later found out that Barnes and Noble is gonna be open at midnight on 15th july so i can get the book then itself than on the next day...ya i know i am a freak!! but when it comes to harry potter who isn't!!

US Cover