May 30, 2007

My New Mood Elevator

You work hard whole study hard over the evenings and weekends...throughout the year...
then you take a long study break to digest the humongous intake of information and then finally you try to get it all out of your system in the never-ending exams...

so..after the definitely need to need to rejuvenate..

and the perfect solution is to reward yourself for your efforts...get something which will make you happy..lift your spirits..(Caution: side effects may include empty wallets and maggi mee for months)

This is exactly what has happened here...
so here is my new Mood Elevator...The Nokia N80 (trumpets please)

This is a wonder gizmo...I just love it..can surf the net using any wireless network..can play your favorite bad music..record memories with the wonderful camera..and on top of it it also works as a phone!!

so wat r u waiting for...get one today!!

PS: Lehmunade..this therapy technique does might need it next week...