May 19, 2005

My trip back to the Old Town

While I was in San Diego..went down to Old Town...this place takes you back in when San Diego was a part of Mexico..and is very much set like a village from an old western movie...

They have street bazaars, lots of mexican shops selling all possible things from tin work to salt water taffy..All the shops are adorned with birght colours and colourful ponchos and sombreros...really take you into the heart of Mexico...
Had lunch at the famous mexican restaurant 'Casa de Pico' in the Bazaar Del Mundo..and it turned out that it was the last day for the restaurant as they are moving to a new place..must say was very lucky to be there on time..the place was packed with locals as well as tourists..and some were actually emotional that the place was closing..

Really cherished the time I spent at Old Town...

Old Mexican Villa

Mexican Dance